Apple recovers about $40 million worth of gold via its recycling program for 2015

The recycling program Apple initiated is paying off very handsomely. As a tradition of Apple during their environmental report which holds every year, Apple the declaration that it had successfully executed the recovery of about 90 million pounds of materials from Apple devices recycled via means of the program for last year.
Apple recovers about $40 million worth of gold via its recycling program for 2015

The amount of those materials which are still very handful and useful to Apple runs into sixty-one million pounds well as 2,204 pounds of gold. The monetary worth of this is about $40 million. This very clearly emphasizes the success of the iPhone disassembling robot it invested in.
Hope you are not thinking the gold been saved here is from the covering of your iPhone. No, your iPhone doesn’t have its painting in real gold. The gold we are talking about here springs from those used in circuit boards, and general internal components.
There are even unofficial reports that the $40 million was the worth of gold saved. The recycling program had also handsomely saved Apple another $6 million in copper. This is surely going to give other major tech companies the hint to start their own massive recycling program. This is really both economic and environmentally friendly.

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