BlackBerry makes Retract, Timer and other BBM privacy features free without subscription

Blackberry is initiating some crucial moves as it takes the price tag off some major BBM privacy features; as such making them free for all users. Via means of an update to BBM on iOS,BlackBerry, and Android, users will now have the capacity to enjoy freely Retract, which gives users the abilities to delete a message from both the recipient and the sender. Also going free is the Timer, which sets a span of time as duration for how long a photo or message could be viewed at no cost.

BlackBerry makes Retract, Timer and other BBM privacy features free without subscription
If you remember, the company had adopted this move back in 2014. Then Blackberry unveiled its BBM privacy features as a component of a subscription plan coming at $0.99 for four weeks. On the plate of the nourishing features Blackberry is now bringing for free is Private Chat, which is a feature that does the removal of avatars as well as names off the chat window to any platform.
It is very commendable that Blackberry is bringing all these out for free just that it comes a little late considering the dwindling size of BBM’s user base.

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