Free Group Calls Added to Facebook Messenger Check it out

Facebook will not never seize to Amaze her Fans,
Some Weeks ago Facebook Add a new sweet Features to Facebook Messenger your can Read it Here ==> New Facebook Messenger Features

The Big news people is
Facebook has officially revealed a group calling feature to be presented in its Messenger app. This feature would allow you dial about 50 friends all at the same time over the internet. This feature would be denoted by symbol of a phone icon in group chats. From there, it is possible for you to make addition of new participants to the call. To be more specific about the details of this development, this is not the same with a video-chatting feature. For now Messenger still particularly limits that function to one-on-one conversations.

Wonder Wonder: You will be making group calls with up to 50 people with Facebook Messenger
With a overflowing capacity of 900 million monthly active, Messenger represents one of the productss rewarding Facebook with the greatest returns so far. So this move to consolidate its gains and make it more sophisticated all makes it justified. For some time now, Facebook has been stuffing the messenger with juicy features repeatedly. We had fun mini games like the chess and basketball, and of late Facebook has been trying its hands on artificial intelligence-powered bots.

Facebook plans to replace other mobile apps with the Messenger
All of these functions have the solid target of retrieving user population back to the Messenger. This way the app exceeds functions like just chatting with friends over text, hence Facebook integrating other supposedly standalone apps living inside the social network’s ecosystem.

With group calling in place, Messenger takes on more audacity, though it still remains a distance from really competing with Skype for video calls or Google Hangouts .
But from from an optimistic look of things, I feel soonest it is very possible that Facebook would bring on that capacity to the Messenger make it more armed to combat other rivals sufficiently in the mobile arena.

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