You can now enjoy voice and video calling on Skype for Web without plugins

About a year ago when Microsoft launched its Skype for Web service, it didn’t really make availability for audio or video calls. So if you had needed such services you would have to download an extension or plugin for your browser. But as now, there is big relief as Microsoft has started rolling out Skype for Web without the need for any plugins.

You can now enjoy voice and video calling on Skype for Web without plugins
As said, Skype video and voice calls are well supported. You could also have voice calling and group video . Microsoft is only making support available for the Edge browser at first on Windows 10, but as time unfolds, the plan would extend to every browsers to so as to get within reach of Skype for Web with the need for no plugins once Chrome and Firefox begin supporting the H.264 video codec.
One improvement still lacking is calling landlines and screen sharing as they unlike video and voice calling will still need plugins.
For some time now, Microsoft has been making repeated pledges towards accessing voice and video calling for Skype on web without plugins. This would mark the first step from Microsoft in fully rolling out the complete service on Chromebooks as well as other devices. Skype is aiming to extend the plugin free voice and video calling to all browsers by April ending.

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