Story: FINDING HAPPINESS - Episode 2

 Click Here to Read Episode 1
“Can you imagine that little maggot in that house calling me a tramp last night? Some people can try themselves o.  Alissa, in the mood I was yesterday I didn’t know when I told her that all her generations to come would be tramps.”  Deifa said bursting into laughter, her friend Alissa joining her.

“what is wrong with the girl sef? Why doesn’t she mind her business?” Lisa asked

“ I wonder o, all of them in that house, they are all so damn annoying. Everyone in my life is just so damn annoying, except for you sweetheart.”
Deifa complained turning  to her friend Lisa who was in the passenger seat.

“ what did that your idiot boyfriend do this time?” Lisa asked knowing as usual Deifa and her boyfriend were fighting again, they quarrelled every day, she wondered why the two still bothered to stay together.

Deifa took her eyes briefly off the road eyeing Lisa for a second “ don’t call Osas an idiot, he’s my boyfriend.”

“ and that’s one of the greatest mysteries on earth, how light and darkness became boyfriend and girlfriend? Deifa don’t you get it? You guys aren’t compatible and that’s why you are always fighting.”

“ I love him so much” Deifa replied

“No Deifa, you think you love him, try someone else and I’m sure you’d  see what a loser he is”

“ look Lise, leave me and Osas alone, we understand each other perfectly.”

“So what did he do this time?”

“ Its this issue with that chick Mira or whatever her name is called, I asked him again if he was seeing her and he took offence.”

“Didi, if everyone says he’s seeing  her then he really is, why wont you believe that?”

“ I need solid proof, not hearsay Lisa”

“even if he isn’t cheating on you, he doesn’t treat you well, he insults you and has even hit you before, why are you still with this guy?”

“he hit me only once and its never happened again, and he’s always sorry when he calms down. He has such a quick temper. You cant blame him for that, that’s just the way he is.”

Alissa rolled her eyes “you keep making excuses for him, Didi. You are one the most popular chics in school, you’re hot and smart. A million and one hot guys want to date you, why osas for crying out loud?”

“Lisa you know me, I want a mature guy not all these small boys in school.”

“there are guys out there, top guys in this Abuja who have been begging for you. That minister’s son that is the managing director of that oil company nko? Or the other one whose father is a senator and owns that telecoms company, Ralph, he has been dying for you to go out on just one date with him but you keep posting him. There are so many others, all of them goodlooking and well to do, I don’t understand why you prefer Osas to them.”

“ That’s it Alissa, you’ll never understand. Lets forget about my problem now and talk about this our freshers night we are planning. Hows it going?”

“ Tope and the others are really doing  good. They’ve gotten a venue now, and they are working with the planner on the other stuffs.”

“great, its in just four weeks time and I want it to be the bomb, how bout the IV’s?”

“ Ready, we’ll get them at the office now.”

“hope they are planning on getting enough security, its going to be strictly by invitation and I don’t want any gate crashers.”

“don’t worry your pretty little head, I’m sure the girls have got it all sorted out.”

Deifa smiled “ I’ve got the best girls in the world, what would I do without you all?”

Alissa smiled “ We’re  a team, sisters. We’ve got one another’s backs.”

Deifa smiled “yes we have.”

“ have you decided what will happen to the club when you graduate?” Lisa asked

“I’ve not come to a definite conclusion, but I think the girls would have to vote for their leaders. A president, secretary, treasurer and all the rest. I’ll still keep an eye on things and hope they do well without me.”

“yeah, all we can do is hope. Can you believe we’ll be through this year? Can you just believe it? In the next few  months?”

“ Lisa, you cant imagine how happy I am to be through with this stage of my life, to move on to the next stage.”

“ what do you plan on doing when you are through?”

Deifa shrugged “ there’s a place for me in my dads company. I’ll work my way to the top and someday I’ll be the C.E.O of the company.”

“that’s great, lucky you, people like us will start job hunting.”

“very funny,” Deifa laughed “ If you like I could get you something in my Dads company.”

“if I get desperate I’ll give you a call”

“you’re not serious, you mean….” Deifa couldn’t complete the sentence as her phone began ringing. It was Osas’s number calling.

“the beast is calling beauty.” Lisa commented snidely

“Oh shut up.” Deifa said before picking the call and putting it on handsfree since she was driving. Osas’s voice came up on the speakers of her car and suddenly she felt giddy, forgiving and forgetting the fight they’d had the day before.

“hello sunshine” he said.

She saw lisa roll her eyes and mouth silently “loser”

Deifa ignored her “hello.” She replied blandly intending not to give in to him so easily. He’d really annoyed her the day before.

“ Sweetheart, are you still pissed?” He asked

“Take a wild guess Osas.” She replied

“Sweety you should know me and my temper, I didn’t mean any of what I said yesterday. I’m so sorry sweety, you know how much I love you. I didn’t mean any of it, honest.”

He was getting to her again, she could feel her heart melting like wax “ Osas, you insulted me in the presence of your friends, you said some really mean things, you expect me to just forget about it all like that? You hurt me real deep  Osas.”

“honey cake, I’m so sorry love, I’ll make it up to you. Just let me know how.”

Deifa rolled her eyes “Its Okay, I’ll call you later, I’m driving now.”

“I want to see you by 7.00 pm,  I’ll be at A – lounge bar in Wuse.”

“ I’m not sure I’ll be through with what I’m doing by then but I’ll call u back to let you know.”

“Deifa,” his tone changed into a gruffy one, “I’ve apologised a million and one times already, what more do you want me to do? This is what you do that gets me so mad, You want me to crawl on my knees for you or what?”

“what are you talking about Osaro? I accepted your apology.”

“ I told you I want to see you but you are putting me on hold, what’s that all about Deifa? I put aside my male pride and called you up but you are still acting like the stuck up bitch you are.”

“Osas, whats your problem? You know I’ve got a lot of stuff to do with this gig coming up and managing my club, I told you I was busy and meant it so why are you insulting me like this?”

“you can put all that aside and attend to me first. I come first not your stupid club and all the other irrelevant things you are always doing. Look I want to see you by 7.00 pm, get that into your stuck up little head.” With that he hung up.

Lisa was shocked “what just happened?”

“Lisa please I don’t want to hear anything now.”

“ Well too bad but I’m not going to shut up this time. What is wrong with him for goodness sake?”she asked
 “ He’d not even finished apologising for what he’d done yesterday before he started insulting you again?
What sort of animal are you dating Deifa? What does this guy have that you love so much?”

“Every relationship has its ups and downs, Lisa”

“Yes, ups and downs not downs only. Didi, this relationship isn’t healthy, its draining you emotionally, there are awesome guys who will treat you like a princess. Not that ruffian who acts like a barbarian.”

“ Alissa, I’ve heard enough, thank you. Leave me and my boyfriend alone please, we’ll sort ourselves out”
 Deifa said giving her friend a look that said it was over but Alissa hadn’t quite finished yet.

“Deifa, I wont sit back and watch that thug treat you this way. If I do I’m not a true friend. I’m going to tell
you my own. That your so called boyfriend is a bloody thug and he treats you with not a single ounce of respect all the time and you say you love him, why? I don’t understand you at all, do you enjoy being treated this way? Are you a masochist or what?”

“I love being with Osa, Lisa you wont just understand. He’s really great, its just his quick temper.”

“If I didn’t know you better, I’d have said you were a masochist. Deifa I think-“

“look we are finally here” Deifa said cutting off her friend mid sentence as she parked the car in the space allotted to her as the clubs president. They were at the Hostel which was owned by her club to accommodate members of the club and also the clubs administrative offices.
Every year thousands of girls applied to the club to be members but only a few of them were picked. Usually
Deifa picked not more that thirty of them but it all depended on the spaces avalaible in the hostel. She picked them based on appearance, academic performance, behaviour, self confidence and ofcourse their financial disposition. A girl had to come from a really well to do home before she could be a member of the club. After they’d been accepted, they paid a membership fee of N150,000 which actually covered accommodation in the hostel plus membership. Every month each girl paid monthly dues of N25000 for the up keep of the group and when they wanted to throw a party, the money usually came from the dues which had been paid.

In return, the girls got a high reputation in the school, members of the hot pink group were beautiful, intelligent and carried themselves higher than every other girl on campus because of their confidence and intelligence. Every girl on campus wanted to be in the club, but unfortunately there were always only a few slots available which made the process of choosing members very tough.

Deifa never used the clubs money for her personal use, she didn’t need it since she had plenty of hers and besides she’d not started the club for monetary  gains. She’d never even thought it would grow this big, there were a hundred and fifty members in her group now, beautiful and intelligent wealthy girls. Some were ministers’ daughters, others senators’ or just really wealthy business men.

She’d started the group with Alissa just after winning the campus beauty pageant four years earlier, Alissa had been the second runner up and both of them had struck a bond of friendship after the event. A few weeks later they’d decided to start up the group. Every girl had wanted to associate with the beauty queens and so when they’d advertised, they’d gotten a lot of eager girls and that was how hot pink had started.

Everything was going well in her life, she was one of the most popular girls in the school, she made quite a good sum of money from modelling, and she had a substantial allowance every month but money or popularity didn’t mean happiness. Osaro who was supposed to be the love of her life, the only guy she’d ever dated in her life brought her so much pain. She loved him so much but he always found a way to make her un happy at least once a week.

Nobody understood Osaro as she did, he was a nice guy, treated her really good when he was in a good mood. She loved him so much and didn’t care what anyone else said about him, he was a great guy just a bit misunderstood.

As she was about to walk through the entrance into the building, Lisa pulled her aside.
“I’m going to let this issue drop for now but its not the end of it, trust me.” Lisa said before walking in ahead of her.

Deifa rolled her eyes in exasperation. Why wouldn’t lisa let this matter alone? It wasn’t like Osas was her own boyfriend.

Osas prided  himself on his ruggedly handsome goodlooks. He could get any damn girl he pleased so why should Deifa act like she could boss him around? The girl just loved getting on his nerves. He’d decided to call her up pretending to be sorry for the insults he’d reigned on her the day before because he knew if he didn’t do it she wouldn’t  have bothered calling him. He shouldn’t have even bothered because she’d annoyed him again telling him she’d been  busy. No girl could be too busy for him, he expected that whenever he called a girl she’d drop everything to be with him. He should have known Deifa would be different from other girls, that was actually what had drawn him to her and kept him with her for two years even though they’d never had sex because she wasn’t ready yet.

Deifa was still the most beautiful girl in school even though she’d won the contest four years before. She was popular and all the guys wanted to date her but she’d chosen him because she’d found him more interesting than the others. Instead of pining after her and begging forher love like the other guys had done,he’d treated her with indifference like he didn’t care, which he didn’t anyway. He was with her just because the other guys on campus envied him because of her.

He decided to call Mira, that one would have his time. She and Deifa were rivals and as different as night and day. Deifa was reserved and carried herself with quiet pride while Mira was a noisy girl who didn’t give a damn about anyone or anything. She was as free as the wind, and unlike Deifa who fought with him all the time, he and Mira got along perfectly well.

She picked up on the second ring “Hey baby,” she said “how you doing? Been expecting your call.”

“oh really,” he asked “ and why’s that?”

She laughed sultrily “ do you need to ask? we had such a lovely time the last time that I’d expected you to call sooner for a part 2. Or was it only me who had all the fun?”

He smiled remembering the night they’d spent together. They’d gone clubbing and had ended up in his apartment, the night hadn’t been bad. “ I had a great time, that’s why I’m calling you now.”

“ Finally got some space from the boss lady?”

“ Hey, she’s not my boss alright? I just want something different tonight. So are you up for tonight? I’m at the A-lounge bar at 7 pm.”

“ Sweet heart, 7p.m’s too late, where you at right now?”

“ My apartment, care to join me?”

“sure honey, get set for me cos I’m on my way right this second, see ya” she said cutting off the call.
Osas smiled, now here was a girl after his heart, too bad she was known as the schools tramp.

watch out for eposide 3

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