Story: Adventures of a Playboy – Sarah Broke The Episode - 14

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called Motunrayo on my way to Bidemi’s place and she said that she might come to my place on Tuesday. I said no problem.
I did remembered that I won’t be chanced because of Ruka’s audition but I don’t want her to think that I don’t want to see her.
I discharged her as I approached Adeboye’s gate then deleted David’s number on the dialled list. Puts my phone on vibration.
As I was about to knock, Abdul opens the gate and I entered. We exchanged pleasantries as I pose into the living room. I met Kikelomo & Bidemi watching TV in the living room. Immediately Bidemi saw me; she screamed in joy. She ran over to me and placed a kiss on my lips. I was not too comfortable with the kiss because her sister was there.
I went over to Kikelomo and greeted her and she tries responding well. I sat down with them and we started chatting.
Bidemi: What a surprise? You didn’t even tell us that you were coming.
Me: I wanted to surprise you guys.
Kikelomo: and you sure did: because we were not even expecting you.
As We continued chatting; I was feeling guilty. I wanted to clear the air with Kikelomo about the kiss but Bidemi won’t even leave us, even for a minute.
Me: Bidemi please get me water… please.
Bidemi: Okay… I’m coming. (heading straight to the fridge).
Me: not chilled one… please. (I know that she has to go to the store to get a bottled water for me).
Bidemi: Okay… rushes to the store..
I am now alone with Kikelomo but only for a minute or two.
Me: I don’t know why she kissed me. I’m sorry.
Kikelomo: (forcing a smile) is she not your girlfriend? Please I’m not concerned about what you guys do with yourselves.
Me: Okay… but I’m not comfortable with her like this with you around.
Kikelomo: (hissed) so if I’m not around… you will start playing along with her. don’t worry I will soon go back to school (almost crying).
Me: what do you have me do? Bidemi is always like that… I even…
Kikelomo: (cuts me off) please Femi; anything that happens between you; please and please don’t tell me.
As I was about to reply her, Bidemi showed up with a glass cup and a bottled water. She sat on my laps while she opens the cap on the bottle. I kept staring at Kikelomo, who has now shown her strong feeling of dislike towards Bidemi’s attitude.
Bidemi emptied the water into the glass cup and she started feeding me the water. Even though I wasn’t thirsty: I can’t but just drink it like that while staring at Kikelomo from the side of the cup.
I used my mouth to push back the cup, signalling that I’m okay. She removed the cup from my mouth only to replace it with her lips. I kissed her back with my eyes widely open looking at Kikelomo face; which is now filled with rage.
The Fuji house of commotion continues later in the evening.
I gently push Bidemi back after breaking up the kiss. Trying to catch my breath before saying something.
Me: Bidemi…. please; you just have to stop this.
Kikelomo: (voice hardened) leave her. I know what she’s trying to do but I don’t have your time because I will soon go back to school.
Bidemi: what’s it? Can’t I have a nice time with my boyfriend again.
Me: stop it girls… I only want to be free with you guys.
Kikelomo: then tell her to stop flirting around with you.
Bidemi: is he not my boyfriend? Can’t I kiss him ni?
Kikelomo: (angry) did I say that you can’t kiss him? What I’m trying to say is that you should just put a little bit of respect & courtesy. Hush.
Bidemi: you are just being jealous that he choose me over you. Jealousy jelousy.
Kikelomo slapped her after the insinuation. Then there was a minute of silence in the living room. Bidemi held her cheek and was crying bitterly. Kikelomo then took the advantage of the silence.
Kikelomo: if I still want Femi… I can still get him. all this your tag along won’t help you. I don’t even know what Femi even sees in you. You are just a little spoilt child; that’s what you are.
Bidemi is still crying and Kikelomo just went on with the scolding. I tried to calm her down but she just seized the opportunity to pour out her mind.
Me: I think that’s enough.
Kikelomo: no ooo… it’s not… she doesn’t deserve you Femi… if you are to choose anyone out of us. I bet you wouldn’t choose her. (now crying)
Me: (sad) it’s okay.
Kikelomo: (still crying). I love you Femi… I have always loved you. I confided in this foolish girl my love for you. She proclaims that she loves you more. I had to step down for her because she is my sister and what did I get. She now uses you to spice me. Telling me that I’m jealous.
I felt for her and I also wish to spank Bidemi for her cruelty but I just have to look for a way to settle things with them. Kikelomo continues with her scolding.
Kikelomo: (still crying) Bidemi… I hate you right now and I wish you were not my sister because I could kill you right now. (she runs off to her room)
Bidemi is still crying. I don’t know if to go and meet Kikelomo or console Bidemi who’s still here with me.
I stood there for five minutes. Confused and unhappy. I was still contemplating who I’m going to console when Bidemi came over to my side.
Bidemi: (eyeballs now red) I’m sorry Femi… I don’t know what came over me. I thought she still wants you. I don’t want to share you with anybody… not even my sister.
Me: (now serious) that’s the point. You always want to be in charge. I don’t like being controlled. I have been keeping quite all this while because I love you. If you keep on with this bad attitude of yours… you will only succeeding in pushing me away.
Bidemi: I’m sorry… I’m very sorry
Me: that’s what you always say. I know you did it on purpose. If I don’t like you above her, I won’t have dated you. If you are doing like this towards your own blood: only God knows what you would do if you see me with another girl. I guess you will kill me.
Only if she knows the atrocities being committed by me behind her back.
Bidemi: (seriously crying now) I’m sorry… what do you want me to do?
Me: just go and beg your sister. She’s really hurt now.
Bidemi: (grins) I can’t beg her. I just can’t beg her.
Me: Okay… good… I knew you would say that. If you don’t beg her then…. Then I seize to be your friend.
I left her side and went to Kikelomo’s room. Immediately she saw me, she wiped off the tears in her eyes.
Me: hi… I’m sorry about your sister. I have talked some senses into her. I think she would come and beg you. Just accept her forgiveness.
Kikelomo: (resumes to her crying) I never meant to hit her. I think I overreacted. I knew that she was trying to provoke me…. just beg her for me.
Me: If anybody deserves an apology.. I think it’s you.
I was still chatting with her when my phone rang. It was from my mum. I picked it.
Me: hello… mum
Mummy: hello… where are you?
Me: I’m in Adeboye’s house.
Mummy: good… rush down here right now. your home teacher is here.
Me: Okay… I will be there in five minutes
Mummy: don’t keep us waiting (she ends the call)
I explained everything to Kikelomo and I told her that I would want to have a private chat with her if she doesn’t mind. She replied yes.
I left her room and Bidemi is still in the living room. I didn’t even tell her that I’m going. I left their house.
Adeboye’s and drama. I rushed to meet my mum
My mum called me to help offload the this foodstuffs she bought from the market. i was glad because she just saved me from a very awkward situation at the Adeboye’s.
By the time i was done my phone beeped and i saw it was Motunrayo
Me: Hello my love
Motunrayo: Fine boy how are you?
Me: I’m good o, how are you too?
Motunrayo: I’m fine but I’m lonely at home so i decided to call you if i can come over to your place like right now
Me: (Thank God o) i can’t be too busy for you now , ( knowing my mum would leave the house soon ). you can come to my place anytime.
Motunrayo: Ok ooo but the thing is I won’t come alone, my sister, Iyabo is coming with me.
Me: (Na wich kain wahala bi this sef) Really? (pretending I’m excited ) I didn’t know you have a sister
Motunrayo : Haha! i told you before now,maybe you forgot sha
Me: Ehn en, maybe i did. it’s ok, both of you can come
Motunrayo: Thanks dear, we’ll be there soon.
i changed into a jean trouser, knowing there’s no chance of anything happening between Motunrayo and I since She’s bringing her sister Iyabo, i hissed out loud, Iyabo ko, Bababo ni! if Iya did not Bo nko.
20 minutes after my mum left the house, Motunrayo and her sister arrived. Motunrayo was looking beautiful as usual but her beautiful is Nothing compare to her sister Iyabo.
Iyabo is fairer in complexion than Motunrayo and her shape could give Nicki Minaj a run for her money. She had flesh in all the right places, my eyes were fixed on her cleavage when Motunrayo brought me back to reality.
Motunrayo: Femi, won’t you greet us ni
Me: Sorry jare, good afternoon, is this your sister? She’s finer than you o
Motunrayo: (laughing ) i know that before so shut up your mouth
(We all laughed )
Iyabo: Good afternoon, Mr. Femi
(Her voice was like the best I’ve ever heard, it’s low and solemn)
Me: Good afternoon Miss Iyabo (i was smiling like mumu)
Motunrayo: What’s wrong with both of you with all these Mr and Miss you keep calling yourselves
Me: both of us are formal people now, you are the only ara oko here
Iyabo: (laughing ) you are very funny guy o.
I noticed something about Iyabo, each time she looked at me, it’s like She’s winking and making faces at me but I’m not sure. by the way, Bidemi and Kikelomo are headache enough, i don’t want to find myself between sisters again o.
Iyabo: Pls where is your loo? I’m feeling pressed and i want to ease myself. (This one like english o, shey na toilet she dey call loo)
Me: go through this door, turn left, the loo is the last door by the right (me sef don dey call am Loo niyen o)
Immediately she left Motunrayo came closer and nearly pounced on me, we started kissing and had to stop when we heard the toilet flushing.
I stood immediately and asked what i can offer them, they both said they’re not eating any food. (who wan cook for them before). I put on the TV and Shakiti Bobo was being played and immediately Iyabo heard it she stood up and began to dance, me i just watched as everything on her body was shaking up and down, Father deliver me from temptation.
A call came through Iyabo’s phone and she rushed over to pick it, my eyes were fixed on her still. she mumbled some words and finally said “Ok, I’m coming ”
Iyabo: Motunrayo, i have to leave you here o, i need to see my friend at Ikeja
Motunrayo: Ok o but make sure you don’t come home late, i will call you when i’m about leaving this place so we’ll get home same time
Iyabo: alright o! (facing me) Femi, it was really nice meeting you today, you have made my day.
Me: (how i make her day sef) it’s fine but i wished you don’t have to leave so soon because i….
Motunrayo: …..(cuts me off) she said she wants to see her friend, let her go
i sensed the jealousy and i felt important
Me: Ehn i know! Iyabo let me come and open the gate for you jare.
They said their goodbyes and Iyabo and i went out of the house and started towards the gate.
Me: i wished you stay longer o but you have to leave
Iyabo: (smiling ) I’m sorry but i needed to give you and your girlfriend some privacy now
Me: Girlfriend ke? Motunrayo is not my girlfriend o, we are just close ni ( i don turn professional for lying mehn)
shebi you are sisters now shey you don’t know her boyfriend ni?
Iyabo: we are sisters but not from same mother sha o and No i don’t know her boyfriend.
Me: Now that you know She’s not my girlfriend, can i have your number?
Iyabo: No o, Motunrayo won’t like it
Me: i spoke with her when you went to the loo that time and she said i can ask for your number (i can lie for heaven)
Iyabo: ehn en, i noticed both of you were acting somehow when i came back. ok sha my number is 0806901***
I quickly brought out my fone and began to type, i noticed a message icon and decided I’d read the sms later, it may be those yeye MTN again sef.
Iyabo: you can store it as Iyabo
Me: No o, I’m saving it as “Sexiest girl”
Iyabo: (blushing ) you are very funny o, just put anything you like there.
Me: Ok love
Iyabo: (Smiling ) Love ke? abeg o Don’t let Motunrayo kill me jor
Me: how can i meet her lady as beautiful as you are and not call her love and stop talking about Motunrayo, she’s just a friend.
Iyabo: i hear you o, just go inside and meet her, you can call me later
Me: Ok bye Love.
she looked at me, smiled and shook her head as she walked through the gate and said goodbye.
I kept looking at her backside, mehn this girl carry well well. i locked the gate and walked back into the house. i remembered i had a message on my phone, i saw if was from Sarah i was about opening it when Motunrayo said something i didn’t hear clearly
Me: Ehn my love, what did you say
Motunrayo: I said you should have followed her now, i kuku noticed they way you were looking at her up and down
Me: (dis babe noticed sha) Haha! my love, how can i be looking at your sister when you are always on my mind? i was praying that she leave gan so you and i can spend time together. You’re my baby now
Motunrayo: (blushing ) but you spent too much time when you went to open the gate for her now, hope you weren’t asking for her number
Me: i swear i was telling her how much i love you ni, Oya take my phone see if you will find her number there.
I pointed my phone towards, silently praying she won’t collect it. my prayer was answered
Motunrayo: Don’t worry, i believe you my love.
i smiled and moved closer to her and gave a very deep and intimate kiss, she responded and we started touching each other all over. i shifted my lips to her neck and she gave out a soft moan, i myself ,my OGA don dey salute.
We decided to take it to the room, i was happy she obliged. We got to the room and started taking our clothes off. I quickly opened my wardrobe and brought out my Condom, tore the covering and wore it on my OGA. I turned around and saw she was naked already. O boy! my mind was singing ” She don off her clothes –Godwin”
i layed her down, ready for action when she stopped me and asked..
Motunrayo: Femi, do you love me?
Me: (see this one o, wetin you expect make i talk before, Infact for this time, i go tell you sey my papa love you) Of course! You know i love you, if i don’t love you i won’t be wanting you like this now
Motunrayo: Ok I love you and i want you too
I was glad the yeye talk is over, my OGA wey don they vex, e vex enter her ni. She kept calling my name and shouting. 15 minutes later i was lying on my back and breathing heavily. Motunrayo entered my bathroom to wash up, i just kept praying she do quick before any of my parents return home. she dressed up and we went back to the sitting room where she left her pair of shoe and bag. we kissed again and started towards the gate.
Me: Thank you for coming Motunrayo I enjoyed everything that happened ( The s*x gan gan)
Motunrayo: I enjoyed myself too and I’m glad i did it with the one i love
Me: (with the one you love? you wey no be “V” sef) Yes I’m glad i did it with my love too.
I opened the gate and both stopped a bike, she mounted it while i paid the biker. She waved as the bike was moving, i waved back and told her i will call her later.
I entered the house and remembered by sweet potato, Sarah sent a message, i ran to my room to read it.
“ Hello Femi, I’m so devastated right now, I’m just coming from the hospital, i think you should go there too and check yourself up. I did a test and the doctor confirmed I’m HIV positive. I just wanted to…”
i couldn’t finish the message, my fone fell off and i sat on the floor, sweating profusely even though the AC is on. Temi ma ti bami finally o


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