Story: My Woman, My Everything Episode 9

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– “Nana Ama meet Adobea my girlfriend.
Adobea and Fii both turned to see who it was. Fii recognized her immediately. It was his ex, Nana Ama. Apparently, she was part of the new students whk had reported late.
Fii was surprise seeing her in his class.
Adobea: “who is she Fii?
Fii: “let me see to her and get back to you”
Without answering her question, Fii went towards Nana Ama. This made Adobea suspicious and jealous, but she was able to hide her feelings until Fii comes back.
Fii: “what are you doing here Nana?
Nana Ama: ” i should be asking you that, am a student here and this happens to be my first lecture, what are you also doing here?
Fii face dropped hearing the response from her.
Fii: ” Are you saying you are a student here?
Nana Ama : Yeah and from what i can see, am in the same class with you”
Fii: “yes, good to have you here”
Nana Ama: “oh, no need for that, you don’t even mean it, remember i know you more than anyone else here, by the way who is that lady you were walking with?
Fii: ” That’s Adobea, my girlfriend, you should meet her” He then called Adobea to come so he could introduce her.
Nana Ama who finds it very hard to control her jealousy got upset. She gave Adobea an angry look. Her eyes met with Adobea and immediately you could feel the tension between them as she approached.
Fii: “Nana Ama meet Adobea my girlfriend. Baby this is Nana Ama a friend.”
Fii wanted to hide his past life with Nana Ama, as he felt that it wasn’t the right time to tell Adobea about his ex. As a matter of fact they haven’t really made time to talk about each other.
From the Introduction Nana Ama got to know that Fii wanted to hide things from Adobea.
Nana Ama: ” Nice to meet you Adobea, i really wish you luck in your relationship with Fii. He is a good guy, but my little advice, before you buy a land, make sure the land has not been sold to more than a person”
Having said this, she gave a fake smile and left to find a seat.
Adobea: “what is that suppose to mean Fii? Is there something i should know?
The question came too sudden to Fii, he will surely tell Adobea about Nana, but this was not the appropriate time and place.
Before he could open his mouth Mr. Edwards came to the class.
He wasn’t coming to teach, he came to sermon Adobea and Fii to his office. He just couldn’t wait any longer knowing the scandal they could create if he does not come into negotiation with them concerning the pictures.
Adobea left with Fii to Mr. Edwards office. She had left her hand bag on her chair to secure the seat. While they were away, Nana Ama saw Adobea hand bag, she quickly wrote a note and placed it in visible place in Adobea’s bag for her to see ones she opens her bag.
Back at Mr. Edwards office, there was an on going negotiation making. Adobea and Fii showed Mr. Edwards copies of the pictures and their deal was that, Mr. Edward should stay away from Adobea forever and if he fails to do so, they will take the pictures to his wife and the school authorities.
It was a fair deal so without wasting anytime Mr. Edward agreed. They went back to their class after the deal was made.
There was a lecturer already in the class when they got back. This lecturer came to pass an information that he was going to invite a resource person who is well vested in entrepreneurship to give an input on “entrepreneur”.
The class was excited about this news since it sounded very educative. When Adobea and Fii got to their seat, Adobea noticed that her hand bag has been tempered with.
She opened it to find out if any of her things have been taken. Everything was intact, the only difference was the note from Nana Ama.
She took the note and read it.
“Adobea, meet me after class. You might wanna know about the land you are farming on.
From Nana Ama.”
Adobea was interested to know what Nana Ama had to tell her. Right after class she managed to convince Fii to go home alone so she could meet up Nana Ama.
Fii didn’t know about their meeting. He thought that maybe Adobea wanted to be alone for awhile. He respected her decision and went home alone.
Adobea looked around the campus in search of Nana Ama. After several search, she found her on an isolated part of the campus alone.
Nana Ama: “I knew you will find me here, seems we think alike”
Adobea : “can you please tell me why you needed to see me, am in a hurry”
Nana Ama: ” oh don’t worry, i won’t be long, this is the time for us to talk like women”
Adobea: ” am listening”
Nana Ama: ” I think we have something in common here”
Adobea: “Really, what is it?
Nana Ama: “its Fii”

To be continued.

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