About Icharity Club Worldwide

iCharity Club Worldwide
How it works?
Everybody contributes by making donations and everybody earns from receiving donations from others directly to your account
*You donate to your sponsor/upline then receive donations from 5 other members you directly referred or referred by your sponsor/upline or randomized by the system.* All extra referrals will be auto-place under your direct referrals until its full. It is called Spillover.

~Grade 1 donation to upline is N6,000
*You will receive N6,000 x5 persons = N30,000*

~Grade 2 donation to upline is N12,000
*You will receive N12,000 x25 persons =N300,000*

~Grade 3 donation to upline is N24,000
*You will receive N24,000 x125 persons =N3,000,000*

~Grade 4 donation to upline is N36,000
*You will receive N36,000 x625 persons =N22,500,000*

And so on... Till Grade 10

Register with this link http://icharity.club/?ref=eben003 and be sure of your money as soon as possible

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