How to Search for Free Server for a Network and Create Queries from it.

If mtn has always been wicked to you,this is a way to pay them back for their sins....
Any of you might have thought how to find the free
servers for a network that can be used as a proxy for
the network. In internet, you will find many server
that are given inn blogs and sites and is said to be a
free server for the network. How did they find these
servers?.. well the answer is in your phone itself. if you use internet in your phone, then the service provider
often sends you many advertisement sms in which
some links are given. These links will lead to a server,
and there are big chances that this server is the free
server for your service provider.
You have to just click on the link, then site will open in the default browser of phone. Then in browser,add
the bookmark of this site. You will be able to get the
domain name like,or sometimes ip
address like 110.343.454.2, these addresses can be
used for free internet if used as http proxy if the
server is not blocked. In case the server is blocked, then you have to make queries with it to unblock it.
There are three type of queries in handler application just as you have simple andriod server and pshiphon....
Front query,back query and middle query.
I haven't
seen any working middle query so I cant tell you
about it, but I have used front query and backquery.
So I will be telling about them To make front query.
Front queries are used with . or @ at the end. Suppose
your free server is,so the frontquery
can look something like : or Now suppose after you enter the front query with "."
trick, you tried to make a connection with;
Since the front query is added to the front of server,
the connection string made by the browser will be see, front query gets added at the beginning.
You can also use some proxy servers build on cgi that
can be used to completely unblock the server if free
server and proxy server are based on same
Suppose proxy server is flyproxy and
free server is
So the query becomes like this for "." trick : Same procedure follows for backquery, but the "." or
"@" will be added before the free server; like @ The connection string made by browser in this case
will be : You have to try different combinations of front query,
back query, free server and cgi proxy server in order
to get working trick for internet...

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