Confirm and Correct 2016/2017 WAEC Agricultural Science (Essay & Objectives) Questions And Answers Are Now Available For Free

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Subsistence Agriculture
i) Farming practices in which crops are cultivated for local consumption.
ii) Farms are small and food crops are cultivated such as rice and wheat.
iii) Old tools and implements are used by the farmers.
iv) Depends on monsoon and there is greater use of manpower.
v)keep your family fed.

Commercial Agriculture
i) Farming practice in which goods produced are mainly for the market to get cash.
ii) Farms are larger and cash crops are cultivated. Such as cotton, sugar-cane, jute.
iii) Better implements are used and there are proper irrigation facilities.
iv) Less of manpower is used.
v)enables you to sell things like diamond mines and, in asia, tea or rubber plants.
i)Expand the budget for agriculture, the governmental investment in rural infrastructure and governmental land.
ii)Plough back the revenues from till-land occupation tax and city maintenance fee into agriculture and rural economy
i)Government can assist by setting
up special local banks whose job is to
extend credit to the rural farmers and
will be announce on radio for adequate
circulation of information.
ii)The Federal Government established the Agricultural Co-operative and Credit Bank to serve this purpose.
i)utilization of hospital services
ii)vaccine efficacy
agricultural ecology is the
study of agricultural ecosystems and their
components as they function within
themselves and in the context of the
landscapes that contain them.
i)Pesticide leaching
iii)Organic contaminants
iv)Soil erosion and sedimentation
v)Tillage and nitrous oxide emissions
2a) The term "farm surveying" can be defined as the process of mapping or marking out certain area of the farm land .
Most times for the purpose locating or to determine existing boundaries of land, or are used to legally separate building sites from the rest of the land.

2a. Farm surveying is the process of taking measurement of a farmland with a view of ascertaining the true position, size, and boundaries of the farm and representing the measurement by maps, tables, plan and layout


i. Electric supply is not always available e.g Nigeria

ii. It is very Expensive

iii. It can cause fire hazard

iv. It maintenance cost is high


i) To ensure it works effectively.
ii) For maximum yield & production.
iii) To avoid breakdown or malfunctioning of machines such as tractor's.
iv) So as to reduce the expenses of d farmer


Land As Used In Agriculture : is define as typically land devoted to agriculture in which the systematic and controlled use of other forms of life particularly the rearing of livestock and production of crops to produce food for humans. It is thus generally synonymous with farmland or cropland .

(2e)i.Population pressure;-When there is high population,there will be limited land for agriculture.
ii.Mining;-Activities of mining renders the soil inadequate for agriculture
iii.Topography;-Some lands are located in a place where they will not be favourable for some crops.

3. Nursery practices should be geared to produce really well grown and vigorous seedlings free from major pests and diseases. There is really no substitutes for starting off with really well nursed planting materials. Cutting corners in the nursery such as overcrowding the seedlings to save space and planting out small undersized seedlings usually only ends up more costly in the fields. Small seedlings are more difficult to look after in the field. They cannot withstand adverse growing conditions as well as the well grown seedlings and also come into bearing much later. Longer immature period means higher cost and poorer cash flows.

Staking is when yam is staked with strong stick or
bamboo to ensure adequate exposure of the leaf
surface to sunlight and increases yield
The nusery needs of spacing 20cm x 20cm on a
field of 3mx3m on a loamy soil containing organic
matter in a filled up polythene bags.The seeds are
sown with shade to prevent it from direct heating
by the sun and water and weeding is done twice
daily or every morning/evening
-To reduce the breakage of grains
-It helps to bring vitamins to the outer layer of the
-It reduces the labour requirement to remove husk
-It saves time
-It helps to increase the farmers income and
standard of living
-It gives access to forest product
-It creates employment opportunities
-Cultivation of selected crops
-Reluctance in releasing fertile soil


Agricultural Insurance is a policy which involves the
insured (farmer) paying a little sum (premium),
usually in percentage to an insurance company
(insurer) to guarantee against loss due to any of the
perils (death, flood, drought etc) covered for a
particular period of time (usually not more than one
year) with a promise to indemnify (pay back the value
of loss) should such occur. insurance is insurance that is used 2 cover damage to a property caused by fire

life insurance is a contract between an insurance policy holder and an insurer where d insurer promises to pay a designated beneficiary a sum of money in exchange for a prenium ,upon the death of an insured person.

No 5c. Formation of the egg
The egg is formed gradually over a period of about 25 hours. Many
organs and systems help to convert raw materials from the food
eaten by the hen into the various substances that become part of
the egg.
The ovary
The hen, unlike most animals, has only one functional ovary - the
left one - situated in the body cavity near the backbone. At the time
of hatching, the female chick has up to 4000 tiny ova (reproductive
cells), from some of which full-sized yolks may develop when the
hen matures. Each yolk (ovum) is enclosed in a thin-walled sac, or
follicle, attached to the ovary. This sac is richly supplied with
The oviduct
The mature yolk is released when the sac ruptures, and is received
by the funnel of the left oviduct (the right oviduct is not functional).
The left oviduct is a coiled or folded tube about 80 cm in length. It
is divided into five distinct sections, each with a specific function

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