Chrome OS to be adorned with Android apps

At the moment, all leads down to Google as the I/O conference is brimming up. And as of now, it appears Google is putting plans in place so that Android apps as well as the Play Store will soon be compatible with Chrome OS. Actually, Google didn’t officially mention this, but then on the website of Google, a note was detected which draws attention to possible discussions to hold at the I/O developers conference concerning means to go about marrying Android and Chrome OS.
Certainly, there is no clear path to this planned integration as we can’t tell for certain how it was going to happen. But the note seen on Google’s website suggests that there could probably be tweaks on apps so that they get fully compatible with the Chrome OS. The next session of the conference would address when Play store would be coming on board too.


Some time ago,we reported that there would be a possible merge between Android and Chrome OS. It looks like this is the start of it. Google has asserted that we will not be seeing the end of Chrome OS soonest; maybe Google is trying to prune it into a kind of desktop Android.
Certainly, this has its benefits for Chromebooks. While Chrome OS laptops are reasonably great for the price at which they come out, a complaint that is always coming is that often enough, apps are more improved than the web; and some particular apps, which could include Instagram, proffer enhanced user-experience in their app that they don’t really get to give online. Google actually started the exercise of bringing some Android apps to Chrome Osijek years, but the move was restricted to only some select apps.
Should the entire Play Store be opened up to it, I’m sure Chromebooks will get laptops with improved capability. And should the use of Android apps on Chrome OS get more popular, there is the strong possibility then that it could encourage developers to add on their support for apps with large screen sizes on Android. This would prove fundamental to the end game of Google possibly offering very inviting Android tablets.

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