Check out How to Browse and Download Unlimitedly on Etisalat with Zyphon.

Recently Latest Etisalat cheat Were posted on this blog which are still Working Unlimited Free browsing on Etisalat for May 2016, Read Etisalat 0.0 is Working again and Read How to use etisalat Bis On Android and Pc
And today and bringing to you Free browsing on Etisalat With Zyphon.

The Etisalat Zyphon cheat has been blazing for some days now; I’ve tested it personally and confirmed it working. I’ll reveal both the unlimited socialme tweak using Zyphon and also the 0.0kb unlimited tweak using same zyphon, it’s left for you to make a selection on any.
Please this is a rushed content, so pardon my errors. I’m not feeling to okay as of the time of writing. I won’t be writing much, I’ll quickly rush through the setup and configurations with some snapshot description, so that you’ll be able to get it right.


Zyphon VPN – Download here

How to setup the Etisalat Socialme Tweak using Zyphon

Etisalat SIM with an Android device
1. Firstly, subscribe for the Etisalat socialme weekly or monthly package which goes for N300 and N500 respectively.
2. After that, go to your mobile network settings and set APN as
etisalat and leave proxy address and port blank
3. Next, download the Zyphon VPN, and setup the handler using the configurations below. Click on the S icon to get to handler menu

Tick Remove port box

Proxy Type: dual real host
Proxy Server:
Real Proxy Type: HTTP
Real Proxy Port: 80
Click Save
On the main menu of Zyphon, tap the spanner icon for more options
Tick connect through an http
Tick use the following settings
Host Address:
Port: 3128
Go back to the main menu and connect

4. That’s all.

How to Setup the Etisalat 0.0kb Unlimited Tweak using Zyphon

1. Use default etisalat APN… Leave proxy and port blank on mobile network
2. Launch zyphon and use the below setup.

Tick Remove port box

Proxy Type: real host
Proxy Server:
Real Proxy Type: Inject
Real proxy server:
Real Proxy Port: 8080
Click Save and connect

That’s just it on how to setup unlimited free browsing tweak on android using Zyphon VPN application. If you got any question or having any difficulty setting up the tweak, please do let me know via comment section and I won’t hesitate to assist you.

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